Annual General Meeting

In light of the continuing developments in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, physical attendance by Shareholders at the Eon AGM this year will be limited. Precautions will be taken to ensure that those shareholders that do attend are able to adhere to current regulations. Eon will live stream the Meeting but this will not extend to the capacity for Shareholders to ask questions live on the day of the meeting without being present or submitting the questions in writing before the meeting.

Although Eon understands and respects the importance of the AGM to Shareholders, the Company takes seriously its responsibility to its Shareholders, employees and the wider community to slow the spread of COVID-19 by avoiding environments of heightened risk.

All resolutions that are on the agenda for the AGM will be decided on a poll. Each poll will be conducted based on votes submitted by proxy and at the Meeting by shareholders who have indicated that they intend to vote at the AGM in accordance with the instructions set out below.

To assist the Company in managing the AGM efficiently, Shareholders are asked to submit any questions in advance of the AGM. Questions can be submitted to the Company Secretary at [email protected]. Shareholders are limited to a maximum of two questions each (including any submitted in advance of the Meeting).

Join the AGM Video Conference

JULY 31 Friday

TIME: 9:00am (AWST)

EON NRG AGM Chairman's Address

EON Annual Report


Notice of Metting


Annual General Meeting Outline

  1. Financial statements and reports
  2. Resolution 1: Adoption of Remuneration Report
  3. Resolution 2: Re-election of Director Mr Matthew McCann
  4. Resolution 3: Election of Director Mr Simon Adams
  5. Resolution 4: Issue of Shares to SmartEquity EIS Pty Ltd as trustee for the Eon NRG Ltd Employee Share Trust
  6. Resolution 5: Issue of Shares to SmartEquity EIS Pty Ltd as trustee for the Eon NRG Ltd Employee Share Trust, for the benefit of executive Directors of the Company
  7. Other Business
  8. Presentation - The Future for Eon NRG

ASX Announcements